Biola University and Jude 3 Project will host an apologetics conference at Shiloh Church in Jacksonville, FL.
During this stimulating two-day event you will hear from some of the leading Christian thinkers and speakers of our day.
Join us as JP Moreland, Craig Hazen, Clay Jones, Lisa Fields, Van Gayton, Cam Triggs and Jon Bennett tackle some of today’s most commonly asked questions. Why does God allow evil? Is there evidence for the Resurrection? Does God exist? Is Christianity the White Man's Religion? And much more. Get answers and gain confidence. Register today!
Registration is only $30 ($35 after Nov. 4th)
Register online here:
Conference Schedule:
Friday, Nov. 11th
7–7:15 p.m.Announcements and introductions
7:15–7:35 p.m.Mini-lecture: Craig Hazen, "Watching the Shields Go Down"
7:35–7:50 p.m.Mini-lecture: Louis Fields, "Love: The Ultimate Apologetic"
7:50–8:10 p.m.Mini-lecture: JP Moreland, "The Current State of Unbelief"
8:10–8:20 p.m. Break
8:20–9:20 p.m. Clay Jones: "Why God Allows Evil"
Saturday, Nov. 12th
9–9:05 a.m.Announcements and introductions
9:05–9:55 a.m.Craig Hazen: "Christianity and the Challenge of World Religions"
9:55–10:10 a.m.Break
10:10–11 a.m.Lisa Fields: "Incarnational Apologetics"
11–11:10 a.m.Break
11:10 a.m.–12 p.m.Workshops:
Craig Hazen: "Evidence for the Resurrection" (*subject to change)
Jonathan Bennett: "Absolute Truth? Absolutely."
Van Gayton: "Loving without Affirming — A Christian Response to the LGBT Community"
Clay Jones: "Hell — An Apology"
Cam Triggs: "Is Christianity the White Man’s Religion?"
12–12:10 p.m.Break
12:10–1:10 p.m.JP Moreland: "The Case for the Existence of God"
1:10 p.m. Final comments and dismissal